Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Ryan!

Yesterday our oldest just turned 3 years old! I can't believe he's already 3! Since Monday was Memorial Day and everyone in the nearby family had the day off, we had a little party for him then. We grilled up some hamburgers and then there were LOTS of presents to open!

Ryan got pretty spoiled this year. Fortunately they're all things that can easily be shared with Ben.
Ben was having a hard time sitting back while Ryan opened all the presents so near the end, when Ryan wasn't showing as much interest in opening anymore because there was already a winner among the opened group, we passed one to Ben for him to open. That was enough to make Ben happy!

G'ma & Papa got him a couple little games, dominoes and a memory/matching game. Aunt Lissa & Uncle Nate got him a cool 3-D View-Master with extra discs of all sorts of animals and both boys enjoy that since they're very much into animals (running like a cheetah, jumping like a dolphin, wearing laundry baskets on their backs to be turtles, that kind of thing). He got a few other smaller things: bubbles, sidewalk chalk, sandals, a Cosmo Cougar DVD....but the thing that I thought Ryan would have been most excited about was his new "Cars" fishing pole and tackle box from Paul & me--and he would have been too!.....If Kendra hadn't shown us up with her present!!

The present of the year came from Aunt Kendra who spoiled Ryan royally....with an "End Zone Ball Pit" and a couple hundred balls to go with it!! (G'ma & Papa helped with the balls!)

I was happy Tuesday morning that although Monday night the ball pit was definitely the most popular item, when he woke up on Tuesday morning the fishing pole was the first thing he looked for! He ended up practicing his casting nearly all day! Between a few breaks in the ball pit, that is!

1 comment:

Rebecca Susan said...

Looks like a darned good birthday! And a fun memorial day. Its always nice when other people spoil your kids:) Hope he had fun on more fishing trips with daddy!!