Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Baby, Great Visit!

This past week/week and a half has been very busy, but very wonderful!!

Saturday, November 1st: Paul & I (along with some of Nate's family) helped Lissa & Nate move into their new apartment at the U.
Monday, November 4th: Lissa, Peggy (Nate's mom), and I worked on getting the baby's room unpacked, along with some boxes of books.

Wednesday, November 5th: Mom & Chuck got here, Lissa was admitted to the hospital. Mom & Chuck showed up at about 1:30 in the morning and since they kept Lissa's key to our house after their last visit, we didn't have to wake up to let them in which was nice. The next day was spent recovering from their drive and then that night Mom, the boys & I had planned to spend the night at Lissa's apartment so we could be close first thing in the morning and work on cleaning the apartment in the meantime. We went up to LDS Hospital with Lissa that evening as she was admitted to be induced (at already a week and a half late). We hung out at the hospital, played a very quick game of Monopoly (Mom won!) and I ended up coming home with Paul & the boys that night instead of going to Lissa's apartment while Mom and Chuck stayed at the hospital the whole night.
Fun side note here: Melissa was checked in by one of Mom's Young Women from Sacramento!! She used to babysit us as children. She and Mom hadn't seen each other in 20+years!! Turns out she only works about 2 nights a week there and she wasn't even supposed to work that night but ended up going in anyway! She and Mom talked all night long from what I hear. It was a fun surprise for both of them.

Thursday, November 6th: Lissa called me at about 9:30am to let me know she was at a 5 and her water had broken and after getting my car registered (finally!), the boys and I made it to the hospital at about noon.....just after they took her in to do an emergency c-section. I was really bummed to hear that when I got there. Turns out the baby was face up and every time she contracted his heartbeat dropped dramatically. She never got past a 7. So that makes 4 for 4 for the Clark girls and c-sections. I'm really hoping Christa can make the VBAC work. C-sections really are no fun! When they finally brought Lissa back to the hospital room, Nate was following her with a baby!

Clark Abram McDonald -- 7 lbs 8 oz, 20 inches

Friday, November 7th: Friday night Mom and I did spend the night at Lissa & Nate's so we could get it cleaned up before she got home since she didn't have a lot of time to unpack that week. She treated me to dinner Friday night and that was fun. (I took her to T.G.I.Fridays; she'd never been there before but she loved it!) By the time we got back to the apartment it was pretty late so we didn't get anything done Friday night and it ended up taking nearly all day Saturday. Mom was up by 6:30, I was up by 7:30 and we started working by 8, if not before, and besides taking a few minutes to eat some breakfast and take showers, we worked non-stop til about 6pm. We didn't even stop for lunch because we were making such great progress and we kept hoping we could get it done sooner. We were hoping to spend more time with Lissa at the hospital that day but hopefully she was grateful to go home Sunday and feel like she could actually rest without having to worry about unpacking still. Too bad we didn't get any before pics to share!

1 comment:

Christa said...

Yay, finally, thank you! I've been waiting for days to see a picture of him! He looks a little like both of them actually. Very cute. Good blog.